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Telesales & Telemarketing

Selling products or services over the phone. Businesses sometimes refer to it as “inside sales” or “telesales.” Telemarketing usually means contacting customers and potential customers by telephone but can also include a fax or the Internet.

The new technology

It is a widely used method of contacting people to promote products or services, raise money for charity, gather information, generate leads, and carry out surveys. With new technology, the term also includes videoconferencing calls, often with existing customers. Telemarketing cold calling or canvassing means contacting new customers.

The consumer has probably never bought anything from the company and has no idea that he or she will be approached.
Telemarketers purchase lists of names to call from list service agencies, which have information on people according to age, ethnic group, interests, profession, socioeconomic level, academic level, etc.
If a telemarketing team is tasked with promoting a lawn mower, it does not want to telephone people who live in apartments. It will purchase lists of people with a garden and if terms are offered, people with good credit ratings.
Tele-sales is the selling of products or services through the telephone. Telesales aims to build repeat business through excellent customer relations. Tele-sales representatives contact customers to promote offers or to set up appointments to support field sales representatives. The duties of a telesales representative range from lead generation to direct sales and customer relations. An effective telesales agent will close leads and ensure customers are satisfied enough to continue doing business with their company.